Latent Space 1.0

Empower next-gen designers with Machine Learning



May 2022 - Nov 2022


Figma, Webflow, Miro, Illustrator, Notion


Gretchen G, founder + product lead
Jiachen D, Market strategist
Kanxuan H, Data analyst
Hanqi S, full-stack engineer

My Role


Product Designer


User interview

User journey mapping

User Flow


High-Fi Prototypes

Usability Testing


In 2022, Gretchen came to me with a well-prepared PowerPoint on Machine Learning aided design. She had a few brilliant ideas on how to empower designers better visualize spatial ideas with ML tools and eventually evolve into an all-in-one product. She wanted me to help her define product strategy and design the product to bring it to life. I love the opportunity to design a product from scratch and since then, we have recruited 3 other teammates to focus on different aspects. This project is ongoing and we are working as a cross-functional team collaboratively.

What you see on this page is my work until November 2022, there’s more to come. We are currently working on launching a public pre-trained model for users to test out. Meanwhile, check out our website here.

Design Question

How could we build an educational tool to help young architects use machine learning without coding experience?

How does machine learning empower designers’ creativity and efficiency?


A web-based platform with ML tools that helps young designers better visualize spatial ideas and information into speculative drawings and mappings.

Add stops & Customize the trip


No-Code Pretrained Models

Discover places and add a stop to your trip for future travels.

Home & Search Page


Easy-to-use dashboard

Easily create an image from scratch with our AI-empowered models.

Share models and articles with the community


Learn with Community

Create an online community to bridge the gap between architecture and ML





Limited resources and constraints

This a group of 5 young talents. Since we just graduated out of grad school, we have limited resources and team restraints.


Challenge traditional design process

We need to incorporate the traditional design process that has been adopted and well accepted by the architectural community, which started from the Ancient Grace. How to introduce a new way of design becomes our goal.


Interdisciplinary workflow

We work as a cross-functional team and thus we need to align among different team members and make sure everyone is on the same page during the product development process.

Cross-functional team alignment


With so many teams and specialties, how do we navigate the project? I created a diagram to visualize the flow of information among different team members.





Research Cycle 1

Explore ML in 2D generation

We looked at ML papers and what models that are typically used in the ML industry. We looked at GAN, DIFFUSION

Research Cycle 2

Deep dive into the industry

We looked at ML papers and what models that are typically used in the ML industry such as GAN, Stable diffusion, etc.

Research Cycle 3

Deep dive into the users

I conducted a user survey to reach out to universities, big design companies, and small practices to check out what designers feel about using ML in architectural design.

Then, we synthesize team meetings to align my research findings with the team. I organized a design workshop, to precisely define pain points and user persona. Since this is a new product, we don’t really foresee how people like working with this product. Our designs need to accommodate many circumstances.


User Groups

We divided the users into 2 types according to their roles and needs. And it enabled us to define their identities as well as all members to be on the same page.


We learned that


Most designers are not familiarized with how design works with ML aided tools.


People are concerned with the creativity generated by ML models. They want to end up designing their own models once they are familiarized with ML.


Most users are not even comfortable with using this technology in design.


Design Principle

HMW help young designers to better visualize their ideas/sketches in informative and speculative drawings?

I want the interface design to be simple, inspiring, and easy to use. Meanwhile, we need to consider maintaining some aspects from traditional design thinking process.

From Traditional arch design

To Machine collaborative design

Define Key features


With the design principles in mind, our team defined 3 major features we would like to develop for the first stage. We categorized the pretrained models to target different steps in designing architecture, which is from site analysis, generating ideas, drawing plans and sections, and generating visual renders.


Gretchen and I had several brainstorming workshops in person. Yet most of the time our team work remotly. Figma and Miro allowed us to quickly brainstorm ideas together or asynchronously.


User flow

for 4 Pretrained Models

We did simple wireframe for each of the models to guide the design.


Concept Visualization

02.1 (Prioritized)

Site Analysis


Heatmap Generation


Render Optimation


Plan Generation



Set the Design Framework

With the research in mind, we defined our design goal in the ideation process.

Design Decisions




Bar control for non-coder



Make visible of the process


Final Design



Pretrained Models


Here are demos of the model workflow.


Design your house

Text to image

Create a floor plan

Analyze your neighborhood




With time constraints, we used Webflow to build our website to outreach and gather user information. My responsibility is to design the information architecture and visual design of the landing page.

Business Impact

Since this is a new project, our main business goal now is to attract new users, gather and educate users on Machine Learning topics.

1 min



Average view time

Forms submitted

Satisfaction rate

Latent Space 2.0

Our next chapter, we take these ideas and further iterate the features and protoypes. We interviewed, tested, and prototyped a few concepts while working closely with the Machine Learning scientist consultant Sam. We intend to come up with a practical design solution to address the user needs and industry challenge.

Test results on usability test and survey?

Any new features?

Go to the next page to find out.