Young Architects Competition | Summer 2020

In Collaboration with Jiaming Gu, Jiachen Deng

Nest Making, Homemaking explores what it means to dwell between history and modernity with the spirit of adventure and creativity. Trees are home to birds. Our concept to design the modules come from the nest-making process of birds. This idea celebrates the capacity of visitors to determine how they want to experience the site and design their own journey with personalized architectural spaces. Our intention with nest making also emphasizes the importance of contextual connection with history, culture, and nature, since these connections are what makes a place home no matter the duration of stay.


The modules are nested across the rural sites through a customizable weaving system that spans between the steel structures. The weaving performs as a porous system of skins that connect the architecture with the amazing nature seamlessly. Moreover, the spiraling geometry of the weaving assembly embraces the idea of curved sculpting within Gothic architecture. 


The light construction and flexible arrangement of the modules enable visitors to personalize their dwelling design and the placement of them across the beautiful site, embodying the spirit of exploration and autonomy. The steel assembly of both modules pays homage to Gothic construction, which is the predecessor of using steel to achieve spectacular heights. Module 1 enables visitors to experience rural French with a triumphant spirit, as the soaring tower represents the Gothic spirit of chasing the sky. With a comparable height to the castle watchtower, our structure tower resembles the tree that provides space for nests and allows modules to stack up vertically. Module 2 is designed to sit on the shore. This enables visitors to live among the poetry and serenity of historic rural France, to get close to nature, and observe the creeks, rivers, bush, vines, and trees of the breathtaking landscape. 

Despite using modern construction and material, the proposal is designed to create a dialogue with the historic context. The pale coloring of materials, the porosity of forms, and the looseness of intervention manage to create dialogues with the castles and ruins of the site. The project offers visitors an adventurous yet poetic experience of the properties of Dartagnans, where culture, history, nature, and architecture merge into a holistic experience of discovery and awe.

Site Master Plan

Assembly Diagram

Waving Diagram

Sustainable Energy Composition

Room View

Night Render


ARGI-CULTURE: Live in the Field